Thursday, May 3, 2007

English 2760 Gender and Cultural Studies

Congratulations also goes to Louise Bown, who will be developing a brand new course: English 2760 Gender and Cultural Studies.

The following is a summary from her description and purpose:

"The purpose of English 2760 is to examine texts (literature, film, theory) to understand social constructs in the US. Students study the power of language to preserve cultural values and reinforce imbalances of power based on gender as well as race, class, and sexual orientation, ets. In addition, the course investigates the pwoer of language to construct gender and gender assignments and the interrelation of race, class, sexual orientation, age, and ability as those classifications influence gender identity and gender-linked behavior. Issues addressed include effects of current gender assignments and strategies for possible restructurings of self and society."

She anticipates the use of discussion forums, podcasts and Articulate presentations in the development of her course.

Additionally, she plans to submit a proposal to present her course at an international conference at the conclusion of this project.

She will be working with Shar Hunt and Paula Michniewicz on the design and development of her course.

We wish her well, and look forward to following the course development on our blog!

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