Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Raise the bar... from Outlook!

I was playing around with iTunes U this morning, and in the process, I created an RSS feed for our blog. This means that if you have Office 2007, you can receive any new posts or comments to this blog as an email that shows up in your RSS Feeds area in Outlook 2007. Of course you could also subscribe to the feed using any other feed reader as well.

Here's the feed:

How to subscribe:
All you have to do is right click on RSS Feeds over in the Mail Folders area of Outlook, and then copy and paste the feed above into the dialog that shows up. Once you do this, it'll create a new folder called Raising the Bar, and all of the posts will show up there. The picture shows what mine looks like.

Also, if you're interested in knowing, I used Feedburner to burn the feed.

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